Environmental activists, WiES Women members joined Gender and Transportation Bangladesh Working Team (GTBWT) activists to form the human chain in front of the National Press Club. They carried three banners: one from GTBWT, one from WiES Bangladesh and the third one from Green Club members. The banner from GTBWT said, “Security. Availability. Accessibility,” the motto of GTBWT. The second banner saying, “Lead. Inspire. Empower,” the three major actvities WiES Bangladesh aims at. The third banner is from the ESDO members. They also circulated press releases which had details on the Human Chain. A flyer was also circulated written in Bangla which contain different aspects of GTBWT among the passersby.
This Human Chain was a platform to get closer to the public to convey the message of GTBAT to the government, hence, to raise awareness on the concerning issues with public transportation in Dhaka. People do need a voice to take their saying to the government. GTBWT is such a body, which is working with utter responsibilities in order to curb the public sufferings in Dhaka. The news of the Human Chain has been covered by three pirnt English media, one Bangla print media, one online English media, and two Bangla online media.