On 31 January, 2016, ESDO team surveyed at Marks Dental College and Hospital on dental professionals to find out who are practicing mercury free. ESDO team briefed them about the background of ESDO’s mercury free movement, health and environmental concern of mercury, and vulnerability of female dentists regarding to mercury.
Some of the senior dentists were found who have joint ESDO’s initiative to mercury free dentistry since the very beginning. After words, they signed on the mercury-free declaration forms. We had a warm interaction with the dentists there. Professors, practicing dentists and interns were all very supportive and they discussed with us their opinion, ideas, and views towards achieving “Mercury-Free Dentistry”. Several dentists signed on the mercury free declaration forms.
These forms will be eventually used to create a database of the mercury free dentists in Bangladesh. The team disseminated IEC materials, raised awareness regarding mercury hazards, hence, and could pursue the dental surgeons who are not practicing mercury free and also the senior students who are going to be practicing dentistry soon.