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INC4 Updates: Why a legally binding global plastics treaty is a necessary pathway to combat the climate crisis

The urgency of addressing plastic pollution, which threatens ecosystems globally and exacerbates the triple planetary crisis of pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss. It highlights the UN Environment Assembly’s pivotal decision in 2022 to develop a binding international agreement to combat plastic pollution, signaling a potential shift towards comprehensive regulation. Plastic’s long-lasting environmental impact, including greenhouse gas emissions and harm to marine life, underscores the need for urgent action. The proposed agreement aims to address plastic production, disposal, and climate impacts through global cooperation and regulation. Recognizing the interconnection between plastic pollution and climate change, the article advocates for measures such as reducing primary polymer production, promoting non-plastic alternatives, and improving landfill management. It emphasizes the importance of considering climate impacts in plastic product design and urges proactive environmental measures to mitigate plastic pollution’s adverse effects. Overall, the article calls for decisive international action to combat plastic pollution and build a sustainable future.

In a report of Eco-Business, Mr. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary General of ESDO, shared that the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) has taken a significant step forward in 2022. They have passed a mandate to develop a legally binding international agreement that will address the issue of plastic pollution. He added that this treaty has the potential to revolutionize the entire lifecycle of plastic, right from its production to its disposal, and create a level playing field in the global economy.

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