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Mitigating Climate Change and Improving Public Health through Zero Waste Strategies

GAIA and ISWA jointly organized a side event titled “Mitigating Climate Change and Improving Public Health through Zero Waste Strategies” on 10 December 2023 at the Waste and Resources Pavilion of CoP28. ESDO’s secretary general Dr. Shahriar Hossain joined this event as a speaker and addressed plastic pollution as a major cause of climate change at the COP28. Such a statement underscores the mutuality of environmental issues and the recognition that plastic pollution is not only a single concern but also a contributor to broader challenges, including climate change.

Highlighting how the production, use, and disposal of plastics contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. This could involve discussing the carbon footprint of plastic throughout its lifecycle.

Potentially emphasizing the role of policies, regulations, and advocacy in addressing plastic pollution and advocating for sustainable practices can reduce the impact of climate change.

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