“An exceptional campaign by youth for banning single-use plastic”

29th may, 2021, Dhaka: To promote the sustainability of the environment and to encourage the youngsters, Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO along with Plastic Solution Fund (PSF) organized a webinar named “Action! Not Excuses: Let’s Refuse Single-Used Plastic”. The second session of the webinar was held on 29th May 2021 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM by virtual platform Zoom. The 1st session was conducted on 8th May 2021.
Around 40 participants participated in both the sessions of this virtual event. The 1st session was more of an ice-breaking session where everyone introduced themselves and shared their experience of using plastic products and at the end of the session, they were assigned for activity with a deadline. The 2nd session is for those who had participated in the first session and showed their reuse models with given tasks in that session. Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary-General, ESDO; Ms. Siddika Sultana, Executive Director, ESDO along with school teachers and ESDO team members attended the webinar and express their enthusiasm to stop the usage of single-use plastic.
A PowerPoint presentation was shown in the webinar to identify plastic as one of the major environmental threats of recent times. This event was for raising awareness among the students regarding the harmful effects of using single used plastic. This action will help to inspire people to get more involved in a zero-waste lifestyle.
Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO started its journey in 1990 with the Polythene Bag ban campaign and in the last 30 years, ESDO is working to reduce pollutants from the environment. So that, we can breathe freely in a sustainable environment.
For more information please contact:
Hridita Ferdous
Program Associate-ESDO
Email: info@esdo.org
Mobile: +8801703794352

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